Creating a Zoom note-taking sidekick for user interviews


Part I : Let's start with the problem

Based on our research, it takes 5-6 rewatches of a user interview to get actionable insights out of it. Therefore, a 1 hour interview takes 5-6 hours to tag, summarize, and share with one's team.

To make it easier for teams to get the most out of research calls and projects, we designed a note-taker that lets researchers take notes while taking an interview on Zoom.

Prototype Testing

First cut for Usability Testing

I created a prototype in Protopie to mock how people will take notes in Looppanel.

What didn't work

Zoom and Looppanel working side by side

Second iteration for Usability Testing

I removed the shortcuts and added some instructions for people to understand the note taking screen

What didn't work

Instructive note-taking with two panels

Third iteration for Usability Testing

Since a lot of people during our research used Notion and Google Docs, I tried making the interface as close to those tools as possible.

What didn't work

Instructive note-taking with two panels

Fourth iteration for Usability Testing

To higlight who's taken the note, I added the names of note takers in different colors

What didn't work

Note taking with names and time stamp

Final Design based on testing

People didn't expect the note-taking space to look like a chat, so we changed it into a more open space that makes the experience similar to a document.

Doc-like notetaking view

Editor View with notes

Part II: Structured note-taking


We observed researchers were using a template to take notes during research calls. The templates either contained theme based questionnaire or task based questionnaire

Below are some examples of the templates they use.

Theme-based questionnaire

Task-based questionnaire

Prototype Testing

Iterating and testing a question script

We iterated on top of previous designs and added sections to the note-taking view and tested with the users.

What didn't work

Shortcut based navigation for questions

Question script as a side menu

What didn't work

Side menu for questions

Question list at the top

We put the list at the top so it's accessible at all times.

What didn't work

Question list at the top

Final Design

Based on usability testing, we decided to remove the navigation from the question script as users didn't face issues with traversing the script.

There was no need for a persistent list since they moved progressively between questions.

Final design with a question list

Editor screen with question script

What I learned

Details on more experiments soon. 😎