How I used Atomic Design principles to redesign Nepal's Superapp


Quick Summary

The Atomic Design principle uses the concept of atoms and molecules to set up a Design Language System. Having worked on maintaining and creating design systems, I created one for Nimbuzz Kurakaani, Nepal's Super App, as a part of their application redesign.

Project Description

Nimbuzz Kurakaani is Nepal's digital platform that houses multiple services like shopping, chat, quizzing, money transfer & much more in one app.

I was commissioned as a UI Designer to Redesign the app by creating a component-based system.

Goals of the redesign

Old Design of the connect and quiz screens

Old Design of the courses and shop screens

My Approach

Having worked on multiple projects where I've used a component library, I started with an Atomic Design approach to creating a component library.

Naming the components in the file system format

Snippet of the design system for the project

Revamp of the connect feature

Updated the connect screens of the app to feel more human and cheerful.

Redesign of connect/sending request screen

New design of a person's profile

Revamp of the shop section

Made the design feel more modern in tune with the latest e-commerce apps.

Redesign of the shopping landing page

Redesign of the product detail page

Revamp of the learn section

Updated the screens to look and feel more like online courses.

Redesign of the courses listing page

Redesign of the course description page

Revamp of the payment screen

Updated the icons to feel more vibrant and match the design system.

Redesign of the payment screen

Revamp of the quiz section

Updated the quizzing screens to look like an online gaming app/show.

Redesign of the quiz screens

Creation of the chat section

Chat section was imagined from scratch keeping in mind what platforms people use on a daily basis.

Redesign of the chat screens

Outcome of the project