Using vedic mathematics for biometry scanning


What is a Vedic square

In Indian mathematics, a Vedic square is a variation on a typical 9 × 9 multiplication table where the entry in each cell is the digital root of the product of the column and row headings, i.e. the remainder when the product of the row and column headings is divided by 9 (with remainder 0 represented by 9).

Numerous geometric patterns and symmetries can be observed in a Vedic square, some of which can be found in traditional Islamic art.

To understand the vedic square better, I assigned an analogous color to each number and vizualized it as following.

Highlighting specific numbers within the Vedic square reveals distinct shapes each with some form of reflection symmetry.

I removed the numbers from the matrix to see what comes up

The unnumbered grid looked like a pixelated image. So I pixelated one of my images to see what comes up.

I created a black and white version of the image and then applied the color scheme seen before onto a 9*9 matrix. This gave me a vedic square to which I assigned a number value to the pixels based on their lightness.

Where can this model be applied?